What I can do for you

As a company, institution or public entity, you are already or will soon be confronted with having to think about lowering the carbon footprint of your business or operations. Hardly ever a fun topic and almost never a part of the core business, so spending time on it is hard.

Yet the business case to implement solutions, especially in Solar are very appealing.

I’m very excited by the changes ahead of us, both from a Technological advancement point of view as well as from a disruption and change point of view. We are simply going to do things differently, for the environment, for our kids, for our overall well being.

In my career, I’ve done a lot of change & adoption management of various IT related topics. I’ve now transitioned myself into this new world and can bring a lof of value in taking your burden of having to worry about managing the carbon footprint of your organization.

Let’s talk! Let me evaluate possibilities, organize technical design and talk about finding the best way to finance that investment. You’ll be sure to find a trusted partner in helping you on your way to that lower carbon footprint.